
Allan Lopes
Resume/Curriculum Vitae

1. Identification

1.1. Personal

Allan Lopes

1.2. Age
27 years

1.3. Date of Birth

1.4. Contact
Rua Frederico Abranches, 164 apto. 31
CEP 01225-001
São Paulo – SP
Fone: +55 (11) 3361-4161 / +55 (11) 6788-9950


2. General Education

2.1. Middle School:

Colégio Marista Santa Maria (1988-1995)

2.2. High School:
Colégio Estadual Cilon Rosa (1996-1998)

3. College
3.1. Graduation
Degree in Graphic Design, Centro de Artes e Letras -
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS (2001-2004)

4. Foreign Languages


Understands: Fluently
Speaks: Fluently
Reads: Fluently
Writes: Fluently

Entende: a little
Fala: a little
Lê: a little
Escreve: little

5. Knowledge of Softwares
Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Page Maker, Adobe Premiere, Adobe
Illustrator, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia
Freehand, Sony DVD Architect, and advanced knowledge on computers, Internet,
basic softwares and more.

6. Courses and workshops
6.1. Primeiro Curso de Extensão em Cinema Digital,

(First Class of the Extension Course in Digital Filmmaking)
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS. (março a julho de 2002).

6.2.1. “Oficina de Produção e Direção de Curtas e Videoplipes” -
(Workshop of Producing and Creating Short Movies and Videoclips)
with Cristiano Zanella, 1° Festival Nacional do Vídeo e Mostra de Cinema,
Santa Maria, RS (27 to 31 of august, 2002)

6.2.2. “Tipocracia – Designing fonts for texts”, with Henrique
Nardi, 6° Purungo, Curitiba, PR. (31 de
6.4. Congresses

6.2.3. 3° Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Design – NDesign -
(National Meeting and Congress of Design Students – NDesign)
Promoted by CONDE 2003, Belo Horizonte, MG (13 to 20 of july,

6.2.4. 6° Encontro de Estudantes de Design de Curitiba – Purungo,
(Congress of the Graphic Students of Curitiba – Purungo)
Curitiba, PR (2003)

6.2.5. 14° Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Design – NDesign -
(National Meeting and Congress of Design Students – NDesign)
Promoted by CONDE 2004, Santa Maria, RS (2004). de maio a 5 de junho de 2004)

7. Extracurricular Internships

7.1. Anfiteatro Caixa Preta
- Designer responsible for the creation of
print media for the Caixa Preta Theater on UFSM. (julho a dezembro de 2003)

8. Curricular Internships
8.1. Tríade –
Internship on Tríade Gestão de Imagem, Santa Maria,
RS. (2004)

9. Professional Experiences

9.1 – – Creative Director of the Internet portal, Santa Maria, RS. (2003)
9.2 – MWD Comunicação e Projeto
- Graphic Designer, São Paulo (2005)
9.3 – Latino América
- Art Director, Santa Maria, RS (2006)
9.4 –
– Editor of Contents, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (2007)
9.5 – Metabolikey – Art Director, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (2008-09)

10. Projectual Activities
10.1 – - Development of the layouts and HTML programing for the Internet portal of contents (,Santa Maria – RS. (2003) (offline)

10.2 – - Development of the layouts and HTML programing for the hotsite of the covering of Festival Santa Maria Vídeo e Cinema (, Santa Maria – RS. (2003) (offline)

10.3 – Travel & Tur – Development of the branding and corporate identity of Agência de Turismo Travel & Tur. Santa Maria, RS (2004)

10.4 – Icardio – Development of the layouts and HTML programing for the
website of Icardio Instituto Cardiovascular (, Santa
Maria, RS. (2004)

10.5 – Mil e Uma Noites de Silêncio – Cover design and illustrations of the book “Mill e uma Noites de Silêncio”, by Mayra Dias Gomes. (Editora Record).

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